不同廠商的換熱器產品從外觀上看不出太大的區別,但在換熱效果 L K 上起決定作用的換熱板片的結構卻千差萬別。HF系列板型打破傳統的正弦對稱波紋的設計,創造出獨特的波形偏離式板型,板片的正反面具有不同的流通面積,通過4種板片(H,L,G,K)靈活的組合,可以形成6種流通量各異的流通道,巧妙的解決換熱性能和壓力損失之間的矛盾關系,在兩側流量1:3的條件下,可以取得兩側壓降相等。即使在兩側流量差異極大的場合(1:10),仍然可以取得較高的換熱系數,提高換熱器的性價比。
At first glance, the plate heat exchangers of the different providers seem to bevery similar. However, the secret of anefficient heat transfer is inside the platepack whose performance depends on a whole range of factors apart from plate size and number. Ultimately, these factors determine the size of the deviceand the operating costs. The ?skewing“-Plates are available with four different profiles each (G, H, K, L), differing in ratio of embossing depth, distance and angle of corrugation . Each of the 14 plate sizes offer six different flow gaps. When combining the asymmetrical G, H, K, L-plates, the plate heat exchanger can beadapted optimally to the thermal case of application already in the series with limiteddiversity of types